Below, you'll find links to some of the various talks that I've given over the past few years while at CU. Unfortunately. I am one of those people that can't help from putting animations in their talks, which is a bane for digitally sharing them with the masses (i.e., you). As a stop-gap, the talks are given as low-res PDFs with the animations played out on each slide. Of course, the cavaet of this is that not all animations, videos, animated GIFs, etc. are converted correctly, so some errors are bound to be in the slides. If you are interested in full, hi-res versions of the talks in PowerPoint, just shoot me an e-mail!
Technical/Conference Talks
- Attosecond, High-Harmonic Optical Vortices with Tailored Spin and Orbital Angular Momentum
- This talk was presented at the 2019 Nonlinear Optics Meeting in Waikoloa Beach, Hawaii, USA.
- Attosecond Extreme Ultraviolet Beams with Time-Varying Orbital Angular Momentum
- This talk was presented at the 2019 Conference on Laser and ElectroOptics (CLEO) in San Jose, California, USA.
- Helicity Gets a New Twist: Straightforward Production of Polarization Sculpted High-Harmonic Attosecond Waveforms for Chiral Spectroscopies and Imaging
- This talk was given as a visiting talk at the Institut de Ciences Fotoniques (ICFO) in Castelldefels (Barcelona), Spain.
- Polarization Control of Attosecond High-Harmonic Waveforms via Helicity-Selective Circularly Polarized High Harmonic Generation
- This talk was given at the 2017 Ultrafast Optics XI (UFO) conference in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, USA.
- Elliptically Polarized Attosecond Pulse Trains Produced via Circularly Polarized High Harmonic Generation
- This talk was given at the 2017 Conference on Laser and ElectroOptics (CLEO) in San Jose, California, USA.
Outreach Talks
- Using Light Hammers to Crack the Nano-Quantum Eggshell: How Ultra-Intense and X-ray Laser are Changing the Way We Observe Nature's Smallest, Fastest, and Most Exotic Phenomena
- This talk was given to the Spring 2018 CU Prime class (undergrads in STEM) at the University of Colorado Boulder in Boulder, Colorado, USA.
- How to Create and Control Nature's Most Exotic Light Source: X-ray and Attosecond Light Science at the Molecular, Nano, and Atomic Frontiers
- This talk was given to the CU STEMinar student organization at the University of Colorado Boulder in Boulder, Colorado, USA.