Kevin M. Dorney

Chemical Physicist and Nature Enthusiast with a Passion for Big Lasers and the Fastest (and Prettiest) Things in Nature

Postdoctoral Research Associate, Kapteyn-Murnane group in JILA at the University of Colorado, Boulder.

Chemical Physicist and Nature Enthusiast with a Passion for Big Lasers and the Fastest (and Prettiest) Things in Nature

By day, I'm an experimental laser and chemical physicist that specializes in creating some of nature's most intricate and fastest flashes of light in order to access the ultrafast quantum dances that make up our natural world. My research has its roots in ultrafast AMO (Atomic, Molecular, and Optical) chemical physics, but quickly branches into light-driven strong-field processes, ultrafast photophysics, structured light, extreme nonlinear optics, photoelectron spectroscopy, and high-powered laser design. At the moment, I find myself most fixated with novel waveform control technologies for creating tailored light pulses to uncover new physics in ultrafast, condensed matter systems.

By night (and sometimes, early afternoon), I'm searching for anything that might possibility cure my severe addiction to the outdoors. The current list of distractions, not in any particular order, are camping, biking, running, swimming, hiking, climbing, backpacking, cooking, and the occassional sloppy bit of coding.